Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lets get ready to RUMBLE!

I remember one time me and my brother got in to a fight. The fight was my fault i guess. I remember he said something i didn't like so i kept on saying stuff back to him until it turned into a physical fight. I didn't really try to avoid the fight. Only because he made me so mad. Our relationship stayed the same. I learned that i need to control my self some times though.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Top 10 most exciting

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Some of the things I think are exciting about growing up is becoming my own person. I can make my own decisions now. I don’t have a curfew any more. I get to do what I want. I also like knowing that I can be independent. I’m at the age where I can move out and start over new.
There are some things though that aren’t so exciting, Like having to pay my own bills. I now have to start paying rent and utilities. I have to have a job now also. I have to work all the time to get the money I need for the things I need and want. Sometimes that makes me wish I was still little and didn’t have so much responsibility.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Boston Massacre (reflection)

I learned that if you weren’t British than you were treated differently by the British soldiers. They had no reason to chase after those boys. They were just walking on the streets. I was surprised someone would actually act like that. Then they fired upon people because people were throwing SNOW balls at them? That’s just not right.